Combat Airlifter of the Week: 2nd Lt Alan Chandler
Name and Rank: 2nd Lt. Jeffery Alan Chandler
Unit: 96th Aerial Port Squadron
Duty title: Officer in Charge of Aerial Port Operations and Passenger Service
Hometown: Nashville, Arkansas
Time in service: 5 years
Time at Little Rock: 5 years
Goals: Be a beneficial force to help the 96 APS maintain its excellence
Hobbies: Reading, staying current on world events and scientific news
Air Force Core Value portrayed: Excellence in All We Do
How does the individual portray the core value?
Lt. Jeffery Chandler provides leadership to 49 Airmen ensuring Aerial Port activities and training requirements for all personnel are accomplished safely and efficiently. His enthusiasm and motivation for excellence secured his team the Semi-Annual Awards for Amn/SNCO at squadron and group level.