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  • GIs remember D-day, 75 years later

    As the sun rose on Utah Beach June 6, 1944, the explosions were deafening. "There was all kinds of fire coming down on us," said then-Cpl. Herman Zeitchik, who served with the 42nd Field Artillery Regiment, 4th Infantry Division. He was hunkered down in a landing craft with about 30 other Soldiers.

  • Key to success: Allied airpower at Normandy

    On June 6, 1944, nearly 160,000 Allied soldiers from 16 nations stormed ashore onto Utah, Omaha, Gold, Juno and Sword beaches along a 50-mile stretch of France’s heavily fortified Normandy Peninsula. The commander, Supreme Headquarters, Allied Expeditionary Force, Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower, and

  • C-130s over Normandy

    C-130s from the 317th Airlift Wing, Dyess Air Force Base, Texas and the 314th AW, Little Rock AFB, Arkansas, fly in formation over the beaches of Normandy, France, while participating in fly-over events June 4, 2019. More than 26 aircraft and 2,000 military personnel from various units and countries